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A lot has changed in the society we live in and the old expectation that children are insurance for the future is quickly disappearing in the smog.  The child of today is nothing compared to those who consider themselves adults in 2019.  The race is on in life for parents to create a better future for their children and those who have caught the wave understand all too well that the compass has moved and so must our strategy as parents.

Take the example of a parent who retired in the 1980’s with a golden handshake.  Such a parent would gladly use their pension funds and savings if they had some to go back to the ancestral land and demand their rightful inheritance then build a decent house and settle to enjoy their sunset years.

Such a parent would probably have two grown sons and one grown daughter waiting to clear campus, take on a new job with a multi-national company and another seeking to go abroad to further their studies on a government sponsorship.  Of course the wife in this family, would probably be in their last few years in employment with a parastatal and working towards planning their sunset years enjoying the labor of their investment – in their children whom they expect will now move to take care of their parents in old age.

ABOVE:  Optiven Foundation Chairman, Mr. George Wachiuri (center in cream shirt) during a mentorship session for the boys of Ngatataek Primary School in Kajiado County on 5th June 2019

Take a step back and look at the picture of this family in 2020 when the parents have put down their tools of trade and moved to their villages.  Only this time, none of the children has time to visit with the parents who spent their all to ensure their children settle in life more swiftly and sweetly at that.

The married are haggling with life in the only way they know how – with the high cost of life, and their own responsibilities to take care of, little time or resource is left for the parents.  Talk of the parents need for social support, health care and any other support which though welcome seldom is available.

In worst case scenarios, it is parents like these that are left to fend for themselves knowing their back up plan was their children who are not available.  The result is a bitter group of parents who blame their children for neglecting them despite having educated them and given them a good upbringing.

Such scenarios have been the norm rather than the exception in many parts of the country leaving some parents literaly destitute while others have become too bitter to live, opting instead for alcohol, drugs and worst of all – suicide.

Truth be told many of us have seen that scenario play right before our eyes.  Others among us have even been victims of the situation like this yet others are currently in the same position currently.  The question then, what are you doing about it?

A victim who witnessed his father fall into depression because of being neglected decided to take matters into his own hands and did something about the situation.  While his age mates were busy doing the same things their parents did, he decided to make a strategic investment to buy land for themselves.

A new offer had been introduced by Optiven Limited targeting the youth with affordable repayment plans and the gentleman decided to begin the journey.  And as the saying goes a journey of 1000 miles begins with one step, the gentleman now heading to retirement did not just invest for himself but for his two daughters and his wife.

Today as the world celebrates the day of the African Child, there will be a special party at his new house as he submits a title deed to his son in law and introduce him to the world of real estate.  Speaking to Optiven shortly after collecting his title on the day coinciding with Father’s Day, he said everyone has a responsibility to plan for their future, and children are not meant to take on parental responsibility at whatever age especially in the age we are living in today.

And to the Day of the African child, the theme for this year is “Humanitarian Action in Africa: Children’s Rights First “.  Biblically speaking one of the key rights of the child is to receive an inheritance not just for themselves but for their children – from their parents.

To do this, it means a parent must make a decisive move to start investing early in their lives and later enjoy the fruits of their investment.  This latter story has been repeated in the lives of investors such as those who benefitted from the Tembeza Mpenzi campaign which provided customers with an opportunity to be rewarded with a holiday to the Amboseli.

They not only got a holiday, but are now assured of a peaceful retirement for investing in the future and that of their children.  On this Day of the African Child, what will you do for your children?  A good starting would be engaging us on the myriad projects that we have to see how you too can enjoy your future and even better, have something tangible to give your children and leave your grandchildren.

From all of us at Optiven, do have a happy International Day of the African Child 2019!

Thoughts by:

George Wachiuri: A Leading Entrepreneur, a Published Author, Philanthropist, Youth Empowerment Enthusiast, a Family man and CEO of Optiven Group
Contact Optiven Group: 0790 300 300 

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