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It’s a desire of a majority of us to live in victory in this life. This is for us a fulfilment and gaining of control of what defines victory. For some, victory is the overcoming of a circumstance or winning over an opponent, a disappointment or a target or goal. In comes cases, victory is about overcoming a problem at work or within the family or even among friends.

So how do you live a victorious life?

Tell the truth based on your personal values. This is regardless of the situation that you find yourself in. it is said that while truth hurts a little, a lie hurts forever.

It has been said that everything we succeed in begins in our minds and if we think victory, that comes eventually. The flipside of it is that if you are defeated with negative thoughts, the probability is that you will never win. Call that victory, and it will come to you because it is your win.

Surround yourself with an aura of hope. The choice is yours and you get what you confess. A good thing is to surround yourself with people who make a better version of you. The problem with us is we are still the same version we were five years ago while a lot has changed. We also need to stay away from those who pull us down while investing in the people who invest in us.

When we focus our eyes on the problem it keeps us from achieving what is important. Thus it is imperative to get your eyes off the problem and fix them on the ball which is the prize. Forget about your problems of yesterday and instead embrace and focus on the opportunities available for you today. Life has issues but see yourself victorious.

The law of the picture advises us on what is our vision. How do we demonstrate the picture of our life? It is by seeing a picture of it because people live what they see. When considering our role models, mentors and those we look upto, all these advises our decision on thinking, life and victory. You can choose to imitate your role models and mentors.

When it comes to excellence, this is defined by the standards you set. The limit is only as far as your mind tells you. But the decisions are affected by the people who surround us. Considering this, then it is important to connect with the right people in order to make a victorious decision.

The author, is a leading Entrepreneur, a Published Author, Philanthropist, Youth Empowerment Enthusiast, a Family man and CEO of Optiven Group.

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