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Among the changes that a company may go through during it’s transition from a private company to a public liability company, is the altered modus operandi.

This is based on the requirement for transparency and accountability to the stakeholders, and in the case of floating of shares, a paradigm shift in organization structures, for the purpose of increasing effectiveness and efficiency. A key interest to stakeholders is also in reporting financial situation of the company to advise whether or not there’s a return on investment. These and much more are the charges of change needed in that transition.

Reality is that change is an unavoidable constant in our lives. Sometimes it’s within our control, but most often it’s not. Our jobs or roles change. Our organizations undergo reorganizing and revamping their strategies, and we need to adjust.

Fortunately, there are ways to adapt to change, and even to take advantage of it.

Find the humor in the situation.
Trying to find a funny moment during an otherwise unfunny situation can be a fantastic way to create the levity needed to see a vexing problem from a new perspective. It can help others feel better as well. It is true that “affiliative humor,” can lighten the mood and improve social interaction. Just make sure it’s inclusive and respectful. A good rule of thumb is that other people’s strife is no laughing matter, but your own struggles can be a source of comedic gold.

Talk about problems more than feeling
One of the most common myths of coping with unwanted changes is the idea that we can “work through” our anger, fears, and frustrations by talking about them a lot. This isn’t always the case.

Actively and repeatedly broadcasting negative emotions hinders our natural adaptation processes.
That’s not to say you should just ignore your troubles. Instead, call out your anxiety or your anger at the outset of a disorienting change so that you are aware of how it might distort your thinking or disrupt your relationships. Then look for practical advice about what to do next. By doing so, you’ll zero in on the problems you can solve, instead of lamenting the ones you can’t.

Don’t stress out about stressing out. Our beliefs about stress matter.
Your reaction to stress has a greater impact on your health and success than the stress itself. If you believe stress kills you, it will. If you believe stress is trying to carry you over a big obstacle or through a challenging situation, you’ll become more resilient and may even live longer.

When you start to feel stressed, ask yourself what your stress is trying to help you accomplish. Is stress trying to help you excel at an important task, like a sales presentation or a big interview? Is it trying to help you endure a period of tough market conditions or a temporary shift in your organizational structure? Is it trying to help you empathize with a colleague or a customer? Or is stress to trying to help you successfully exit a toxic situation?

Stress can be a good thing — if you choose to see it that way.
Focus on your values instead of your fears. Reminding ourselves of what’s important to us — family, friends, religious convictions, scientific achievement, great music, creative expression, and so on — can create a surprisingly powerful buffer against whatever troubles may be ailing us.

Accept the past, but fight for the future.
Even though we are never free from change, we are always free to decide how we respond to it.If we fixate on the limitations of a specific change, we inevitably succumb to worry, bitterness, and despair. Instead, we should choose to accept the fact that change happens, and employ our freedom to decide what to do next.

Don’t expect stability.
The adaptive leaders choose to view all changes, whether wanted or unwanted, as an expected part of the human experience, rather than as a tragic anomaly that victimizes unlucky people. Instead of feeling personally attacked by ignorant leaders, evil lawmakers, or an unfair universe, be engaged in your work and spot opportunities to fix long-standing problems with customer service and to tweak old pricing structures.

In contrast, struggling team members would be consumed by thoughts of “the good old days.” They could spent their energy trying to figure out why their luck had suddenly turned sour. They can also try to bounce back to a time and a place that no longer exists.

Although each of these techniques requires different skills to pull off — and you’ll probably gravitate toward some more than others — there’s one thing that must be done if we want to be more successful at dealing with change: accept it.

The author, is a leading Entrepreneur, a Published Author, Philanthropist, Youth Empowerment Enthusiast, a Family man and CEO of Optiven Group.

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