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By Faith Murugu

Emotion has to do with strong feeling derived from circumstances or moods around you. Stability has to do with maintaining your emotions despite what is happening around you. Emotional stability is powerful and not to be ignored.

How can you be emotionally stable?

  • Recognize what triggers instability in your emotions
  • Be consistent and predictabile in your emotional reaction.
  • Don’t give out your power and allow people’s reaction to affect you
  • Do not mix compliment and complaint in appreciation for others.
  • Be grateful genuinely because a thankful heart is a tank full heart
  • Be still to correct the things that affect you.
  • Change your perspective because a negative attitude is like a flat tire and unless you change it, you are going nowhere.
  • Finally try not to be anxious because it adds to worry and nothing more.

Faith Murugu is Senior Sales and Marketing Manager at Optiven Real Estate

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